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Rinomina : Courage! Near Infra Red


Courage! Near Infra Red Exhibition view 2018-2019 at Rinomina Photo: Paul Nicoué. Courtesy: the artists and Rinomina.
Valentina Jager, RADIO 4x4, 2018, wrapped mobile phone on newspaper. Hugo Montoya, If I were in your shoes, I think I’d write to her rather than try to explain over the phone, 2018, found sneakers, bamboo. Photo: Paul Nicoué. Courtesy: the artists and Rinomina
Victoire Barbot, Epine pour cariatides, Glue blanche glue, Algue fixées, vaine tendresse, 2018, foam brick. Débora Delmar, Coffee fuels your body one cup at a time, 2018, collected coffee cups. Alejandra Venegas, Untitled, Wall painture, 2018 wall painting, red ink for wood Photo: Paul Nicoué. Courtesy: the artists and Rinomina.
Courage! Near Infra Red Exhibition_view_2018-2019 at Rinomina. Photo: Paul Nicoué. Courtesy: the artists and Rinomina.
Noémie Vulpian, Softening Point, 2018, hardened steel, alluminium cast, bitumen, stainless steel. Photo: Paul Nicoué. Courtesy: the artists and Rinomina.
Alicia Riccio, A getting to know you, 2018, vinyl, variable dimensions, Ed. 1/3 Photo: Paul Nicoué. Courtesy: the artists and Rinomina.
Philippe Hernandez, Feels good to be back, 1996, tin foil and enamel on painted glass. Victoire Barbot, Cuisse envieuse, faunesse à genoux, 2018, foam brick. Alejandra Venegas, Untitled, Wall peinture, 2018, red ink for wood. Photo: Paul Nicoué. Courtesy: the artists and Rinomina.
Courage! Near Infra Red Exhibition_view_2018-2019 at Rinomina.
Christobal Gracia, Aquitania Part I, 2016, video Photo credit: Paul Nicoué Courtesy: the artists and Rinomina.
Courage! Near Infra Red Exhibition_view_2018-2019 at Rinomina.
J.S.Levario, Cumbia request I, 2018, drawing on Kraft paper. Lourdes Martinez, Bypass Drawing 1-2-3, 2018
Courage! Near Infra Red Exhibition_view_2018-2019 at Rinomina.
Abraham Gonzales Pacheco, Selva Negra, 2018, black forest cake
Athenea Papacostas, Brut, 2018, pen writing, golden bottle paper, Ed. of 1/12
Celeste Carballo, Untitled, 2018, burned objects (key holder, cotton glove, bamboo, plastic pen, wax colour, plaster
Irak Morales, Manual of how to make a pair of three-hole huara- ches, or tapas, 2018, instruction manual printed on paper
Tilsa Otta Vildoso, Erase the floor, 2018, acrylic painting on wall. Lourdes Martinez/Rodrigo Echevveria, Bypass, 2018 plastic spoon, false eyelashes
Courage! Near Infra Red Exhibition_view_2018-2019 at Rinomina.
Nicolas Paris, Mappa Mundi, 2018, Self-made sock, used to walk and work around during the installing time of Courage! Near Infra Red
Ben Rivera, En el mes de Noviembre se murió aquel viejo, 2018, magazine pages, string, bailing wire, 25 to 30 Pages dimension variable, books Photo: Paul Nicoué. Courtesy: the artists and Rinomina.
Israel Urmeer/Augustina Leal, Cementerio de Criaturas, 2018, dead cricket, matchbox. Photo: Paul Nicoué. Courtesy: the artists and Rinomina

6 December 2018

Rinomina is glad to present ‘Courage! Near Infrared’, a project curated by Abraham Cruzvillegas, who called colleagues to propose ideas for art works that would be made under instructions, appealing to the freedom of interpretation, attempting to recognize the possibility of renaming reality through sharing, risking together and playing with language so to create knowledge no matter how. Another crucial part of the project is to make art using no money, but time and energy. The works, produced by the gallery directors, artists Daniela Baldelli and Markus Lichti, will be in display in the gallery from December 6 to January 14, with visits by appointment.

First time I read the word PedXing, some years ago, it wasn’t the meaning that attracted me, but the very fact that it was written on the floor, on asphalt properly speaking. Not being English my mother language, nor Chinese, as I thought that word was, I went -not interpreting, but abducting, more precisely speaking- constructing stories for every single word that I kept finding, deliberately escaping from connotation or sense, in a logical or linear way. Instead, it became a constant activity for not making, in the context of efficient post Capitalism, but for wasting time, and some times space, which for me means ‘sculptural activity’.

When I first heard of Rinomina, as a word also, I tried hardly not to understand the meaning of this term, pretending that maybe both Daniela and Markus invented it for not-necessary-to-know reasons, as I think all human concepts were fabricated: oyster, taxi, lint, pea, kangaroo, gringo, kilo, Gesamtkunstwerk, aguacate, god, Poilâne, yoga, courage, infrared.

Then, as I always do, I translated the word into whatever it could be, of course not meaning a single thing on its own, but as many things or circumstances as possible. 

Renaming, finding the same possibility in all action, coated by the warmth of friendship and complicity, we called a barrel of monkeys, a flock of seagulls, a swarm of bugs, a school of yellow-tailed guys, to send us ideas for artworks to be produced with no money, to dialogue together in the generous space of Rinomina gallery, this December. Come see what happened...

Abraham Cruzvillegas

With: Álvaro Bayo Aburto, Cynthia Gutiérrez Álvarez, Lorena Ancona, Alejandra Avilés, Victoire Barbot, Celeste Carballo, Tony Cruz, Débora Delmar, Cristóbal Gracia, Rodrigo Hernández, Philipe Hernandez, Valentina Jager, HaeAhn Kwon, J.S. Levario, Lourdes Martínez / Rodrigo Echeverria, Irak Morales, Hugo Montoya, Jesús Bubu Negrón, Abraham González Pacheco, Athenea Papacostas, Ben Rivera, Alicia Riccio, Wendy Cabrera Rubio, Daniel Aguilar Ruvalcaba, Ariel Schlesinger, Emanuel Tovar, Israel Urmeer / Agustina Leal, Michelle Hernandez Vega, Nicolás Paris Vélez, Alejandra Venegas, Tilsa Otta Vildoso, Noémie Vulpian, Jazael Olguín Zapata