10 October 2019
Present tense is coming through desire: unexpected economies, relational awkwardness and rendezvous surprises.
Energy as matter transforming, it is what it is unless...equivalence is outdated. Difference appears through repetition, sameness is left behind. To repeat, to mark a difference making others appear. A choir is a ghostly ensamble of a silent conspiration of forms emerging. It is a chain of events, and an event is a chain of happenings, it is a series, sequential and unconscious rhythm. The moon is still behind the clock. Follow disorderly instructions of others and empathy arises. Following instructions and its variants. That is the invariance: value is upside down.
Suddenly the social devours economy: a glimpse of revolution as the end of history.
An utopian gaze: artists work as artists work as workers worker ́ s artists art works working. Collaborating: embrace cannibalism, codigofagia, bodies beyond body.
No work: abundance of time (not-yet). Inertia kills. Working: scarcity of time (yet- not). Accelerationism t: time as a spatial tramp. We dive into the Infra and suddenly superficial becomes deep and complex. Shadows are the guiding lights for surviving historicity: the city of the hisstory, city of lights, enlightenment as the trap, banlieu rap and cumbiadetianguis ring my ears.Courage Mon amie! Pass auf dich auf! I have faith in play. Let the rivers emerge!
Instructions in art: never step by step but please don't loose the step!
Listen to friendship is a vessel or a boa snake gut. Both will lead us somewhere.
Trust is a robust glass. Trust becomes dangerous and full of doors.Trust is invaluable, almost mystic, materially speaking. Trust is throwing dices without numbers engraved. Contexts are non equivalent. Equivalence of contexts is value. Trust is only equivalent to risk. Through repetition, something ends up being other thing: sometimes even the Word mutations is simply not enough. Chaos, affinity, informality: an invisible window is yet open, the glass is broken the stone is out of sight.
With: Abraham González Pacheco, Alejandra Avilés, Athenea Papacostas, Ariel Schlesinger, Alicia Riccio, Alejandra Venegas, Bayo Alvaro, Cynthia Gutiérrez Álvarez, Celeste Carballo, Cristóbal Gracia, Daniel Aguilar Ruvalcaba, Daniela Baldelli, Débora Delmar, Emanuel Tovar, HaeAhn Paul Kwon Kajander,, Hugo Montoya, Israel Urmeer & Augustina Leal, Jazael Olguín Zapata & María Evoli, Lorena Ancona, Markus Lichti, Michelle Hernandez Vega, Nicolás Paris Vélez, Noémie Vulpian, Philipe Hernandez, Rodrigo Hernández, Susana Solis, Tilsa Otta Vildoso, Tony Cruz, Vidaoxxo & Proyecto Televética, Victoire Barbot, Wendy Cabrera Rubio